Site assessments are useful analysis tools for clients contemplating a land purchase or sale. Financial institutions also request this service to help determine the value of property for funding or resale.

A Wealth of Information Quickly
Site assessments from Merrill provide clients with a wealth of information quickly — and at a modest cost. First, we collect, assemble, and evaluate online site-specific data. The data is then verified by researching local municipal records and performing an onsite inspection. Finally, we review jurisdictional regulations which affect the permitting process.
Determine Optimum Site Yield
Feasibility studies are often performed in conjunction with site assessments. A feasibility study is used to determine optimum site yield for a specific use (or uses) allowed by zoning.
See the Future
Merrill can use your site assessment and feasibility study to develop single or multiple site concept sketches that comply with applicable regulations.
Recent Site and Feasibility Assessment Projects
Merrill assisted Randolph Automotive Service Center, Inc. recently in remodeling their site to construct a new convenience store…
Beginning in 2002, Merrill worked closely with the Hanover Senior Center Building Committee to select a suitable location…
"We have had positive experiences working with Merrill on South Shore projects over the last 20 years. On each occasion, we worked with a strong group of professionals to successfully complete the job. Merrill is an engineering firm to consider.”
Brian W. McDavitt
Mountain One Bank